Beat Temptation Everyday

Da’ T.R.U.T.H.’s “LOST” Music Video feat. Tia Pittman
December 3, 2009
Lecrae – Prayin’ For You (music video)
December 4, 2009

temptationIf you are like me, and frankly like just about every human being on this planet, you have been tempted to do things of this world. I am not only talking about the issues such as lying or stealing, but any carnal thing this world has to offer. If you have been struggling with an issue that you have been trying to rid yourself of, I would like to suggest you practice this one thing: USE YOUR WORDS! Thoughts run rapid in all of us. We cannot beat the thoughts the Devil is implanting in us with our own thoughts. We can’t think our way out of temptation. In order to overcome it, we must speak verbally and with a clear tongue!

There are 3 ways for the word of God to get into our hearts. These are through sight, through hearing, and through speaking. When we speak the word of God out of our mouth, not only are we using the vocal gate, we are also using the hearing gate. It’s a double edged sward.

Repeat after me: Devil, I command you to leave my thoughts alone in Jesus name! I have the mind of Christ and I refuse to have you tempt me into carnality. Jesus, help me overcome this temptation.


  1. Tunde Esho says:

    I absolutely agree with this, true talk

  2. Kaylie says:

    I’m frequently tempted and I’m constantly being bombarded with thoughts that come from the devil. I keep rebuking the devil and the thoughts he sends in the name of Jesus Christ! Thank you for a very good and powerful post!

  3. Avery says:

    Amen! Amen! Amen! i totally agree with that … 🙂

  4. Josh Rau says:

    Yes, These are such awesome reminders of how to live like Christ in our daily lives. Something that has always helped me along is to find a verse to continually go back to. The one I like to use is Ps. 19:14 “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
    Love Ya’ll, God Bless

  5. archie says:

    we need to couple that with PRAYER and scripture reference hey!

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