Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Thoughts from Sudan- Day 3

October 15, 2011 by  
Filed under News

Day 3

Woke up and was encouraged to love because I was first loved. How can we love God whom we have never seen but can’t love our brothers whom we can see?

 It’s funny how many people back home in the states need materialistic rehab. I think prosperity dulls our eyes to seeing the immeasurable goodness of God and focuses our eyes on our self and our wants. I came to Sudan because I needed rehab. He is working on me indeed. My car, my house, my album sales, my twitter status, popularity: I count as loss for being able to be this close and this intimate with Christ.  I can miss my favorite tv shows if it means sharing my day with my family in Christ who is hungry for my fellowship and hungry for Jesus. Hungry period.

Today, we poured out our hearts to some 40 pastors and teachers in Sudanese churches. The Bishop started our daily devotion by pressing the men to lay down their cultural idols and tribal idols for Christ. Adam Thomson, my good friend and founder of Red Revolution Ministries, began our session and taught on biblical unity. Thematically, we are teaching unity because, unfortunately, Christians who are holding their cultural affiliations over and above their godly one have spearheaded many of the millions of casualties over the years. As I began to teach for the next three hours, I was excited at the chance to see and do what Jesus has commanded all believers across the globe to do. I was excited to see nations being known by God who at one time only gave access to a particular people group.

Tired from the day of teaching, I enjoyed dinner and heard stories from our medical team who saw tons of orphans in physical need. Why did God count us worthy of this experience? I’m grateful.

Prayer: That I, one who lives by the Spirit, would walk in the Spirit.

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