The Right Kind of Woman
May 7, 2010 by
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Mother’s Day is often a celebration of nostalgia. We think back to the good old days when life was simple and less stressful. We yearn for two-parent homes and non-working moms. But are things really all that different? What divorce is doing to families today, death did in earlier times. And as far as non-working [...]
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Her Children Rise Up and Call Her Blessed
May 6, 2010 by
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In the Bible’s description of the ideal woman it says, “Her children rise up and call her blessed.” From personal experience I know that children may not call their mother blessed while they are children. A memory that I’m not proud of is the day that I told my mother I hated her. I remember [...]
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Savor the Moment
May 3, 2010 by
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If I were asked to sum up advice to new parents in three words or less, I would say, “Savor the moment.” Remember not to take for granted the joy of cradling that little baby in your arms – even if it’s the middle of the night! Take delight in those first toddling steps. Give [...]
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Advice for the Wealthy
April 30, 2010 by
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The Bible offers advice for people who are poor and hurting, but what about for those who are wealthy? Listen to what it has to say: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope [...]
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The Wrong Obituary
April 29, 2010 by
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Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist, made a fortune through the invention of dynamite. But his life was changed by a journalist’s mistake. When his brother died, the newspaper wrote the obituary for Alfred Nobel instead of his brother. Reading his own obituary, identifying him as a man who’d made his money through weapons of destruction, [...]
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Only One Priority
April 26, 2010 by
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People often talk about priorities. Some of us have a few, others have too many to count. Those who study the history of language tell us that it is only in comparatively recent times that the word “priority” has been used in the plural. Centuries ago it only appeared in the singular – priority, never [...]
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Systems Need to be Grounded
April 23, 2010 by
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When I was fifteen, I bought an old car for $50. I learned a lot working on that old Plymouth. I eventually got it running, but it wasn’t reliable. One day it just wouldn’t start even though the battery was charged, there was gas in the tank and everything seemed fine. My father came out [...]
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Medicine that Lasts Forever
April 22, 2010 by
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Medical treatments such as blood transfusions, pain killers, insulin or anti-depressants can bring immediate physical improvement. But unfortunately, the benefit is temporary. Sooner or later they wear off and must be repeated or the patient suffers again or even dies. But what if we could take a pill that would last forever? That’s what the [...]
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April 21, 2010 by
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We get angry when we read in the newspaper about criminals getting off on some legal technicality. Perhaps the evidence wasn’t gathered correctly or some fine point of the law wasn’t met and the criminal was released. Not because he was innocent, but because of a technicality. Sometimes we fear that we may approach God [...]
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Jesus Understands
April 20, 2010 by
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If I’m suffering from chronic pain and go to a physician for help, I expect him to know what he’s talking about – to be able to explain what’s happening in my body. His knowledge gives me confidence that he’ll select the appropriate treatment. But if the doctor goes on to say, “I’ve had that [...]
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Fear of the Unknown
April 19, 2010 by
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Most of us would like to think that we will never face horrible trauma. Other people are burned in fires, beaten by muggers or hit by drunken drivers, “But, not me!” But then again, we can’t help but wonder whether we will lose our jobs, get cancer, or if our marriages will end in divorce. [...]
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Even If…
April 16, 2010 by
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Some passages from the Bible are quoted more often than others. One of these familiar lines is, “Cast all your anxiety on [God], for he cares for you.” God is saying to us, “You don’t need to worry, because no matter what happens I’ll be right there with you and I’ll take special care of [...]