Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Speed Dial God

November 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Fan Mail

Speed Dial God

Have you ever asked yourself how would it be if there was no praying in Christianity, how would we be able to talk to God & what if Jesus didn’t pray for us? How would you ask God for something, How you tell God to bless the food your eating, & how would you tell God what your sacrificing for like fasting. What if God didn’t hear us, what if every time we sin & ask for forgiveness God turn away cause our wickedness.
If you really think about it God has been very merciful & God is so worthy of our praise, we should not waste our time in foolish & selfish things & have praises of man, cause we all know its better to have praises of God than praises of men.
1 John 5:14-15 – “Now this is the confidence we have before Him: whenever we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears whatever we ask, we know that we have what we have asked Him for.”

How are we going to have a relationship with God without praying, how are you going to call God when your in trouble without praying! God is so faithful & merciful words cannot even describe how great he is, we have to pray & talk to God & have that great wonderful relationship with God that you need.
Isaiah 64:3 – “When You did awesome deeds
    that we did not expect,
    You came down,
    and the mountains quaked at Your presence.”

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One Response to “Speed Dial God”
  1. This is for PRO. My son “sam” met you at memphis. He is the guy that has started a bus ministry at summertown high school. The ministry has been growing since his conversation with you. We found out his brother Brandon knew you from Hampshire. God has used you to influence these boys through your music and I asked God…what can I give my son for his 17th birthday that he would remember forever. I felt like it would be for him to hear from you somehow …wether text, call, facebook or to pop in on his worship birthday night at our church in Lawrenceburg, First Assembly of God and surprise all the youth! I know thats a day away but I know God is bigger than our imagination. But, regardless…as his mom I thankyou for influencing so many lives here and for being a role model they can relate to. Sam Curtis is his name…dont publish this but his number is 9312425931. Bless you…DJ….PRO

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