Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Rap for Christ

April 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Fan Mail

Why? Why did I do it again?
Satan tempts my eyes and thoughts,
And I fall back into my pit of sin.
I know this is wrong, so I want to quit.
But with my eyes sill shut, I just keep missin it.
Missin God. Missin truth. Missin what He has in store.
I like the feelin of sin, but what I can’t see is it’s got me on the floor.

Will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.

I keep fallin back down. I can’t see below me.
I wanna run to him. I want for him to hold me.
He’s all that I can see above.
I see how much he cares, and all the great depths of his love.

But will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.

I opened my eyes, but it still ain’t workin.
Somethin’s in the way of me tryin to desperately serve Him.
Wait – did I really open my eyes, or is this just a dream?
Slap myself. Nothin. God, get me outta this dream!
Wow! Now my eyes are open. Is all this really true?
Ya. Of course it is. I’m certain.
Cause the way I see it now, my eyes just needed opened.

Will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.

Will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.

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20 Responses to “Rap for Christ”
  1. Paul Morphew says:

    The Pull

    It only takes
    It never gives
    No matter how much you sacrifice
    You will never receive anything
    It was designed to take everything
    Until you have nothing left
    So don’t be surprised
    When you don’t wake up one morning
    Because then you’ll know
    You gave it all

    VERSE #1
    I keep crawling back like it’s the only source
    It keeps calling me back when I forgot my sword
    I’m wounded and I’m breaking
    Soon it only be taking
    Til I gave my last breath wondering what was up
    I guess I still got something left so all I can do is look above
    I thought I hit rock bottom but I guess my pain it goes deeper
    I thought I at least got some foundation but the enemy ain’t no sleeper
    So I’m caught in the middle of being a student and a teacher
    Trying to fix the world fix the girl and let all my pride come to surface forget I’m a believer
    I’m turning into the pharisees and I’m becoming a deceiver
    Because I’m realizing it’s more than me all these casualties
    This sin the king of sickness and no way to cool this fever
    Until I admit I’m the one who did this by choosing to ignore my hope’s only keeper
    I’m sorry Jesus I guess I got caught up in being the receiver
    I was so focused on my works I forgot to seek the one true reliever
    And I paid yeah I paid

    Here I go again
    Right back to the end
    I thought I was over it
    But it seems to be deeper than the sin
    Here I go again
    Here I go again
    Waiting for the end
    But I keep coming back to this

    VERSE #2
    I thought I was pushing forward got my priorities set I’m straight
    But my deception along with my pursuit of perfection gave me tunnel vision wait
    I kept saying I had no idea what I was doing
    I took the first Godly woman you put in front of me and instead of loving her like you been loving me look at what I was choosing
    Now I feel the pain and it hurts again and it’s still teh same just a new labeled sin
    I ran right to I love you and all my respect died in vain as I charmed her ears and pursued her frame
    And a voice inside starts to scream but do I listen
    Nah I know what I’m doing I’m one with the King
    This is too good to be true but guess what it ain’t no dream
    I feel every moment and it’s like magic but wait it hasn’t even been a month
    No way this is too extreme
    But we still pursuing God aren’t we aren’t we

    Here I go again
    Right back to the end
    I thought I was over it
    But it seems to be deeper than the sin
    Here I go again
    Here I go again
    Waiting for the end
    But I keep coming back to this

    Man why these demons coming at me
    My whole world falling down what’s happening
    I’m rolling on the floor anger pulsing and I’m trapped in
    This vicious cycle first I’m Satan nah I’m God nah I’m nobody
    And I’m laughing
    It’s so insane I can feel the darkness and I’m not happy
    Can’t even make a smile come to my own face man
    I’m just a waste man
    Can’t even taste man
    Food means nothing
    I’m just a basement
    Long forgotten I’m a cold case man
    I never had a placement
    Better go back to the screen before I get tired of this chase man
    Yeah demons gotta feed and I can’t starve em
    So I guess I’m giving in
    Man God wanted more than this
    What am I doing

    Here I go again
    Right back to the end
    I thought I was over it
    But it seems to be deeper than the sin
    Here I go again
    Here I go again
    Waiting for the end
    But I keep coming back to this

    If this is rock bottom
    Then Holy Spirit lift me up
    All the people of the bible if this is how You got em
    Then come on Lord pick me up
    I am nothing just a parasite
    Addicted to the chains and the shame of this fight
    Feeding off emptiness
    And I’m admitting I can’t resist
    The sin be calling me by name
    And out of fear I answer
    Medicate again
    Lord don’t You see it’s just my cancer
    I’m in too deep and I just can’t get away
    So if there is any hope for me this is all I gotta say
    I’m powerless
    I’m as weak as they come
    So if You wanna use me
    Then Your will be done
    Because honestly I’m losing
    And I’ve had enough
    If this is rock bottom
    Then lift me up
    (Lift me up)
    Please Lord lift me up
    (Lift me up)

  2. Paul Morphew says:

    “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12)
    10 Years
    VERSE #1
    Be doers not just hearers
    Man those words are becoming clearer
    I can see the testing of my faith every time I look into the mirror
    My body is aching
    My heart may be breaking
    But still I’m not gonna turn my back on the one
    The one I’ve forsaken
    So many times but now I’m falling to my knees Jesus
    I’m patiently waiting
    But not with ease Jesus
    My old self is working day and night complicating
    All my growth and yeah it shows
    Look at me and all that I’m facing
    But none of this will make me weaken
    Because as it is written I keep on living I’m forgiven
    He that began a good work in me will bring it to completion
    Ten years of wasting away
    Ten years of taking the pain
    Ten years of walking in the rain
    And if you ask me if it was worth it
    I’ll hang my head in shame
    But darkest before the dawn
    And I got the strength to carry on
    This time I’m ready
    This time I’m gone
    He already won
    VERSE #2
    No more sleep man that’s alright
    Give me terrors in the night
    I’m not running no not this time
    Yeah give me fears all in my mind
    Jesus take it all from me I’m fine
    I’m not backing down from any fight
    Bring the demons when I’m down
    I’ll run them into the ground
    Yeah my screams they make some sound
    But I get on my knees again I’m out
    Jesus takes the pressure off
    No matter what they throw at me it cannot take the measure of
    The light in me the fight in me the one who died and freed for me
    All my being and all the air I breathe
    Run away you demons for you know the law
    Resist him and he will flee
    One more step just need some pep
    Take a drink from the spring of life now I’m at my best
    I’m gonna pass this test
    No obstacle too great no demon that I’ve met
    That can take the place of His strength and faith
    Quit smiling Satan this fight ain’t over yet
    Ten years of dragging both my feet
    Ten years of reaping what I seek
    Ten years of accepting pure defeat
    And if you ask me if I gained anything at least
    I’ll say yeah take a look at all these scars I got beneath
    But it’s darkest before the dawn
    And I got the strength to carry on
    This time I’m ready
    This time I’m gone
    He already won
    VERSE #3
    Tempt me with the beauties
    Show me all the cuties
    And remind me what I’ve done what I still do
    And all of those who knew me
    Point me to the dead ends and the fake friends
    And all of those who use me and abuse me
    I’ll laugh in the face of all this hate
    Because there’s a place I know I just can’t wait
    Now i found my path it’s fate
    Well not really it’s faith
    Walk this way do what He say
    And stop finding worldly crap to chase
    Ten years of facing
    Ten years of hating
    Ten years of waiting
    Ten years of spacing
    Ten years I’ve wasted
    Ten years are all gone now
    Ten years that won’t come back
    And if you think I’m strong now
    It’s not cause of me and my choice
    Nah Jesus did all that
    And if you think it’s worth it
    Go ahead and ask me
    Four times homeless
    Three times suicidal
    More times hopeless
    More times the trials
    In out of hospitals
    Nah not my body just my head
    And then incarceration
    Man I should be dead
    And it only took the realization
    Of that fact that I had nothing left
    So if you really want some motivation
    Look at me
    I’m only 25 and I feel like my life is spent
    The primer of my life and the good times came and went
    Now a constant battle because I finally repent
    So the next time you eyeing a beauty
    Think of me and the ten years that I’ve spent
    “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

  3. Paul Morphew says:

    Paul James Morphew
    You’re Not A Man
    VERSE #1
    Yeah you throw the first punch
    Just because the guy in front of you said too much
    He spewed his venom and now you’re crushed
    You lash out at em because he pushed
    Maybe he dissed your life
    Maybe he dissed your wife
    Maybe he dug deep inside and the pain to release your might
    Whatever he did in your mind it just wasn’t right
    And so you raise your fists
    You can’t resist
    The whole lesson of turn the other cheek is missed
    Man don’t you realized you’re just ticked
    And that red flag going up inside your head doesn’t it click
    Trust me your anger will pass if you just skip this
    And all your strength going to his face
    Don’t you realize you won’t miss
    Nah instead you’d rather break his bones and make him bleed
    Let your anger show as you make a scene
    Wake up man you never learn your lesson never get the gist
    Yeah now he’s unconscious and the guards are pissed
    And all of this happened just cause you got dissed
    Put down your sword and walk away
    It’s not worth your soul
    It’s not worth your pain
    Take a step
    Look in the mirror
    And understand
    Can’t you see
    Isn’t it clear
    You’re not a man
    No, you’re not a man
    VERSE #2
    Yo you’re in the eyes of the cops now
    You fight back and you get knocked out
    Everything they say you just block out
    Why didn’t you finish school why did you drop out
    No wonder whenever you went home you were locked out
    Doesn’t matter you’re stuck now
    Sitting in the tank counting the clock down
    They gave you freedom you chose the cage
    Can’t you even see this is all because of your rage
    When is the epiphany gonna hit you square in the face
    When are you gonna wake up and realize you’re wasting your days
    Consumed by hate and fueled by pain
    No love for yourself and losing your faith
    Breaking apart and wasting away
    You put so much thought into what all of em say
    Don’t you think you’ve had enough are you ready to change
    Go ahead take a step forward they’ll be amazed
    Go ahead and prove to the whole world you’re not in your grave
    Prove to the whole world you know the way
    Prove to em all you’re tired of rain tired of pain and not gonna drain
    Today is a new day
    But right now you look in the mirror all you see is a beast
    Cause when anyone’s near you have to show your teeth
    When the prey is near you just have to feed
    And when they cry out in pain you just have to feast
    Break em down and make em bleed
    Knock em out and let everyone see
    You say to yourself now no one will mess with me
    Instead why not wake up and start to think
    They’ll be fearing me but not respecting me
    They’ll be hearing me but not protecting me
    And walk on egg shells because they’ll be expecting me
    To raise my fists again
    Unleash the beast within
    As I listen to the voice inside my head directing me
    But if they ever team up they outnumber me
    But instead of thinking that you’re wondering
    How far can you go until all your anger shows
    And everyone in sight gets the flow
    If they say the wrong thing you’ll bust their nose
    You’re a fighter not a lover it’s the life you chose
    You convinced yourself but no one really knows
    Sometimes we just take a step back sometimes we fight back never get our sight back
    Sometimes it’s the way it goes
    Put down your sword and walk away
    It’s not worth your soul
    It’s not worth your pain
    Take a step
    Look in the mirror
    And understand
    Can’t you see
    Isn’t it clear
    You’re not a man
    No, you’re not a man
    No you’re not a man
    No you’re not a man
    No you’re not a man
    Forget everything you were taught by this dying world
    Forget everyone you fought be it boy or girl
    Forget all the lessons missed by this broken nation
    Forget every time you rose your fists in retaliation
    Forget about the fads and followers of your generation
    Forget about the whole world’s lack of communication
    Forget about your rage
    Forget about your cage
    Forget about your lack of change
    Forget about pointing the blame
    Forget about playing the game
    Time wake up and break through these chains
    Time to stand up, man up, and save yourself from the eternal flames
    Put down your sword and walk away
    It’s not worth your soul
    It’s not worth your pain
    Take a step
    Look in the mirror
    And understand
    Can’t you see
    Isn’t it clear
    You’re not a man
    No, you’re not a man
    Can’t you see isn’t it clear
    You’re not a man
    No, you’re not a man

  4. Paul Morphew says:

    Rap Of God
    Show me to the answer Lord
    A cure for my cancer Lord
    Another fork in the road but only one door
    Show me the path leads to what I’m meant for
    Show me the light and every great plan you for me and more
    No I don’t always know what I’m searching for
    But I never wanna fall away from you
    Never wanna escape the truth
    Never wanna be hating you
    And I say all this but I can’t stop debating you
    And no matter how much you show me and prove you know me I still have trouble facing you
    But that never stopped you from doing what you do
    I fight back But you still give me my sight back
    No matter how hard I try to fight you I find all the more reasons to like you
    Not just that I wanna be close to you
    But every test seems I fail and I don’t always know what I’m supposed to do
    And I do my best But like all the rest I ain’t always boasting truth
    It’s hard to swallow my pride
    Dive deep inside
    Open up my heart but also my mind
    Not tear it apart on the path for the wide
    And kneel before you asking you to guide
    Begging and pleading but ignoring your signs
    Sometimes I get it but sometimes I’m blind
    Don’t matter to you as long as I try
    Never throw in the towel never give up hope
    Don’t ever look back and and stay on my road
    Don’t ever hate this hate that or lose control
    Yeah I know I’m not perfect but I can tell when I’m not even trying
    Focusing on the hate in my mind and the tears that I’m crying
    When I have everything I need but I keep on denying
    A place to sleep and food to eat I know if I don’t see that I must be blind in
    A world that keeps on lying
    But that’s no excuse for my lack of trying
    I mean look at all the people around me putting their past behind them
    And then look at how many times I just be whining
    Yeah life is hard but it’s supposed to be
    But there is one being who truly wants to be close to me
    And I chose the path To walk on broken glass Instead of protect my feet
    He’s holding out his arms to welcome me
    But I just wanna end it all and jump off the balcony
    Nah that’s not fair to him
    After all he died for not just me but all our sins
    And felt more pain than I’ll ever feel
    And I can’t complain because it was all too real
    So is it fair to him To never be there for him Or care for him
    When every time I’m drowning he helps me swim
    And every time I’m lost in the dark shows me the light within
    It’s almost like I spit in his face
    When he’s the only one who will ever love the entire human race
    And I keep trying to tell him to get off my case
    But he just helps more shows me love and never takes the smile from upon his face
    Yeah I’ll never understand it
    But why should I pursue that knowledge and demand it
    When he’s asking me to see
    Not with the eyes of the world around me
    But instead with a heart and a soul that’s free
    Faith is a five letter word but worth eternity
    Now that probably will never make sense to me
    All the more reason to let go of the Analytical mind in me
    Let go of my painful curiosity
    Stop trying to solve every puzzle in my philosophy
    But make my way And in the future some day I’ll be able to look at myself and say
    For I once was blind but now I see
    You showed me the door and gave me the key
    Thank you so much Lord for setting me free
    PART 2
    Tell me what I’m missing
    Because honestly Lord I’m trying my best to listen
    But torn this way and that By a world that thinks so different
    People left and right telling me that they’re right
    And I need to worship you for hours every night
    Then some say Oh no He forgives everything you do
    Look right here it’s the truth
    So why should you regret anything you do
    So just sit back Go ahead and relax
    Yeah sin here sin there God cuts you plenty of slack
    No matter how much your morals are out of whack
    Go ahead and wake up the very next day
    And all you gotta say is Lord forgive me and that is that
    But then there are those pushing me left and right
    And when I open my mouth they’re shooshing me thinking they’re the only light
    No matter what I do If I’m close to 22 then I must be a broken soul
    With no control Because apparently they know so much just because they’re oh so old Yeah they think with age comes wisdom And they don’t have to listen
    I’m asking them to help but they just keep on dissing
    And tell me I’m going to Hell
    How can they all think different
    I thought we were supposed to be one body One heart beat
    And here I see
    If you put us all together you’d only see deformity
    Because so many have forgotten their roots and submit to conformity
    What young one you sinned again
    Get out of my church because you ain’t forgiven
    God forgives everything accept that one
    Oh prepare for the flames and eternal darkness my son
    What wait a minute you tell me one thing and I’m all ears
    But how come every time I leave a place of sanctuary only full of fear
    And my heart beats faster every time you’re near
    Because I’m filled with shame Thinking about the flames
    You got me running like I’m always losing this game
    And every time I fall you tell me to point the blame
    Sometimes at me sometimes at him But I’m still so confused every time I sin
    Maybe I should never have asked you because I just feel the guilt within
    Now I’m afraid to eat Afraid to sleep and I’m constantly judging every friend
    So please Lord I’m tired of following the ones with flaws
    Thinking they’re the cure only to find out they’re the root of the cause
    I know times have changed and it’s not like it always was
    But I can’t always be wrong
    And I know I can’t be always right
    So show me where I belong and lead me to the only light
    PART 3
    Fall away from me
    The life I no longer wish to lead
    And the broken promises I can never keep
    And the image of perfection I try so hard to see
    But lose all of my direction and never face reality
    I know I never want to become a zombie to society
    But that don’t mean I have to be hiding me
    And denying every time someone sees the light in me
    And every time I hear their praise I keep on fighting me
    How much more of this tug of war Am I truly gonna live for
    When am I gonna wake up and admit I want no more I’m supposed to be in my prime but instead I’m sore
    And I’m trying not scream when I look in the mirror
    Trying not run rather face my fears
    But hide my pain inside and still dry my tears
    And it hasn’t been just a day a week or a month it’s been like this for years
    But I keep telling myself Where my focus is at
    That’s why I’m in Hell How much longer am I gonna dwell Sprouting every sad story I can think to tell
    And trying to put the mask on my words acting like I never fell
    Yeah I feed off your attention I’m addicted to your sympathy and need an intervention But the other side of me is screaming for my prevention
    So in a mind so black and white Of course I’m gonna have so much to fight
    One day I’m the savior and the next I’m a failure
    But when am I gonna realize that I’ll never be neither
    I can’t be a frozen like ice one minute and then have a fever
    I’m not a follower all time and I can’t always be a leader
    No heart beat one minute but then off the meter
    Yeah I know I can’t be everything and nothing
    But for some reason I just keep on running
    Every time I get closer I convince myself it’s colder
    And I intentionally increase the weight on my shoulder
    So I can start rolling downhill like a sped up boulder
    And I destroy everything in my path as I near the ground
    Try to take no prisoners but then I’m found
    Face down in the gutter and my heart in the ground
    A metaphorical hangover so don’t make no sound
    I don’t wanna face the world and not a single mirror
    But then a deep loud voice said I put you here
    Quit running every time I’m near
    I’m the only way to face your fear
    And every day I can help you face the mirror
    You hit rock bottom where do you go from here
    So take my hand Trust just one man I’ll lead you to the perfect land
    I know you don’t understand But it will soon be clear
    And so I slowly stand up And slowly raise my hand up
    After all what have I got to lose I’m tired of drowning in my pain and I’m so confused
    This guy seems different in a world that I just feel so used
    So I’ll take the first step and cut my noose
    Open up my heart and my mind let my demons loose
    He says he’ll protect me So I guess I’ll do whatever tells me to
    I sure don’t have the answer and I’m not curing any cancer
    So letting someone else take the helm and steer my ship Just for a bit Seems like a better answer
    But I have to warn you sir I’m as stubborn as they come
    He looked down at me and said with a gleam a Face almost too bright to see
    That’s ok I gave you free will my son
    You are who you are and the choice is yours
    I can only show you the light But you are the one who has to walk through the doors
    But if you are patient I can show you what you are meant for
    You took the first step so you don’t have to be afraid anymore
    This world offers you gold that glitters but I promise you so much more
    The path is painful with obstacles galore But if you are faithful then I promise you victory in all your wars
    But you must let me in And be your friend Not just on the surface but deep down inside your core
    And so I hesitated as this man patiently waited
    And I contemplated as my pain it faded
    And I kept thinking he would leave but I only saw truth in everything he stated
    No matter how much I debated
    The pain it kept on fading
    And he grew ever more brighter and just kept on waiting
    And so I took my first step and started my wading
    And every time I started to sink He pulled me right up from the deep
    And gave me strength to climb each hill no matter how steep
    And before I knew it I wasn’t just walking I decided to leap
    And I could spread the wings I never knew I had in me
    I soared above the storm just like an eagle
    And all I could think
    Was I wish this happened to all God’s people
    PART 4
    This mirror is against me
    Changes the smile into the empty
    Changes the pride into a dead scene
    I’d smoke if I could I’d choke if I could
    I’d spend every dime I had and be broke once and for good
    If it meant I could have maybe 10 seconds of happiness
    And not have it be a dream and I can feel the bliss
    But the only thing I can see is my emptiness
    And everything around me just be tempting this
    My hormones going crazy and I’m defenseless
    Not looking for a lady Just a temptress
    Yeah I want something real but it don’t exist
    Yeah I wanna feel but I don’t get my wish
    Wake up alone and cold in my own hatred zone
    Looking around at the mess I can’t even call a home
    Feels like no one is there and I’m on my own
    Consumed by the fear but nowhere to go
    Yeah I wanna leave but my pain says stay
    I don’t wanna eat I don’t wanna drink Just let me waste away
    And I’m starting to see the toll it takes on me
    And how the days get old but still the weights on me
    Told to ask for help and love myself
    But I look around me and I don’t believe it’s that easy
    After all I’m talking to people who never fell apart completely
    Knew you were there before they could walk
    Knew that you cared before they could talk
    And I was born to think that all your stories I was supposed to mock
    Imaginary man in the sky
    Can’t pull the curtain over my eyes
    And yeah I was certain and I gave it a try
    Tried to get by
    Never wanted to even believe you existed
    But somehow you found me no matter how much i resisted
    Picked me up dusted me off but every time I look I still see a messed up kid
    I know I can’t expect perfection
    But when am I gonna see a smile in my reflection
    Quit parading my denial and stop my stressing
    Try to find the light and stop obsessing
    Quit trying to always fight and find my direction
    What’s wrong what’s right I have to learn my lesson
    Uncover the truth inside and start confessing
    Yeah I don’t really know Where I’m supposed to go
    And I’m asking you to help me find my home
    I’m tired of feeling so alone I’m tired of healing but no
    Every scar remains And combines with my shame
    To make my mind play the same old game
    And deny and point the blame
    So I can just feel the same
    Never ever on the road to change
    And even if I make an effort I convince myself it’s a waste
    I try to escape it but it just sets my pace
    I try to evade it but it sticks onto my face
    Every smile after a while it’s just as fake
    And I start losing hope and it drains all my faith
    But I pinch myself constantly thinking maybe it’s just a dream
    And this thing never conquered me and no it ain’t that extreme
    But then I realize the truth that I’m already awake
    So I’m asking you to save me pleading on my knees giving you all of me come and rescue me from all the demons I see once and all for heaven’s sake
    PART 5
    And so ends another night
    Trying to love but instead I choose to fight
    And hurt the ones I love and it’s just not right
    When am I gonna get down to business
    Quit drowning in my card of forgiveness
    Asking like its use has no consequence
    I need to do more than get some common sense T
    his a choice between salvation and deliverance
    How can I let the beast control me
    Rage jump out of me like a horror story
    A murderous rampage and an unlocked cage to hide my shame and pursuit of glory The past and future sight just tore me
    Like a war in the middle of the night and sirens blaring and everyone staring and I can get a grip on myself I’m glaring
    At the innocent and the ones who try to help I just keep on wearing
    This mask until the truth breaks through
    The glass and I just keep on scaring
    Everyone and anyone what else is new just the cross I’m baring
    The end is nearing And I need to be fearing
    But instead of thinking about everything I’ve read about and the truth I’m hearing and the one I can’t live without the only pilot worthy of my ship I’m sinking
    Yeah I may not cope with it by drugs or smoke or drinking
    But I still don’t let it go To the only one I know
    The only one who has the only control
    And the only one who can purify my soul
    Who can reach down inside of me and fill this hole
    The only one who be guiding me as I take the toll
    Of every single decision and mistake I reap what I sow
    But He can fix what I break Nothing is impossible
    But I still wanna be the perfect disciple hello
    Named after the most famous apostle whoa
    I guess I’m expecting perfection From a skewed view of my only reflection
    And instead of spreading love I’m just spreading infection
    Losing faith in the one above and forgetting my direction
    It all goes back to my roots Where I’m so confused
    And wanna a gold star and a pat on the back for every single thing I do
    And can’t handle a single one who don’t approve
    Am I doing this for me or You
    Have I lost the only truth I ever knew
    And I pay the cost because I’m so confused
    Try to rectify all the abuse
    With a teacher’s pet and a book that’s barely used
    I ask you for guidance You tell me to read
    I say I can’t do it but I know it’s my need
    I tell You can You walk me through it
    And you say surely indeed
    But you still gotta meet me half way
    And I’ll wait patiently until that day
    In the mean time I carry you through all the pain
    Fill you with my love and wash away all the rain
    I wish you could see you through my eyes
    You’re not a failure no you’re all the same
    But I don’t listen to that crap
    Instead I try to fill it with everything and anything
    Ignore the bells and all the rings
    All the signs and the reckoning
    There must be step by step instruction
    To get rid of this demon inside of me causing my corruption
    But I look everywhere when the answers right in front of me
    But I don’t wanna admit that my life would be better with Him running me
    Nah I’m a man If I can’t do it then no one can
    This is my castle And this is my land
    Get through any hassle but oh no I built my house on sand
    So I come crashing down And hit the ground
    Lost then found All the time trying to live without
    The only thing that can save me now
    How many times must I run this circle wow
    Time to get my roots and find a rock
    Build my house again and help the flock
    Embrace the light and fight the fight it’s all I’ve got
    So when the time comes will I open the door or simply knock
    Embrace the fight embrace the light
    And when the time comes and you’re called right on the spot
    Will you open the door or simply knock

  5. Paul Morphew says:

    Dear Lecrae,
    I am a Christian singer song writer looking to share my gift with the world. You have been an inspiration to not be ashamed of who I am, what I’ve been through, and most importantly representing Christ in my music. I’ve written over 300 songs and raps and I’m looking to share them with the world to touch everyone with my music. God gave me the gift and I want to use it. Enclosed are several samples of what I can produce. I have no music to any of it yet but I can hear each part in my head so I know I would be able to put it all together pretty quick in a studio setting. One more thing. I’m an anomaly. I have Aspergers, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, have committed suicide, spent time in jail, been homeless, abused, and heartbroken. Yet I’m still here. I am an anomaly and I’m not going away. Thank you so much for all your inspiration and I can’t wait for God to use me to touch the lives of so many.
    Your brother in Christ,
    Paul J. Morphew

    PS I will do my best to send this to as many of your addresses as possible so I can be sure you receive it, and in God’s time you will and all things will fall into place.

    Save Us From Technology
    “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21)
    VERSE #1
    In a time full of hatred and miscommunication
    How am I expected to carry on a single conversation
    With the eyes looking down at screens instead of up at me
    Man shame on my generation
    I walking down the street no one even smiling
    Stress on their face walking right by me as they dialing
    Or talking to someone miles away because it’s just how they choose to be hiding
    And I know what they feel because I’ve been there man
    I’ve been obsessed head a mess with all these so called robot friends
    Social media a blessing
    Man that’s a lie man I’m confessing
    The devil working his way right up your keyboard
    Distracting you from the real message
    I don’t care if you say you using that phone not for your own but His glory
    He know you lying every time you pull it out just to look at another meaningless newsfeed story
    What you afraid to be hugged
    Dating scene
    What you afraid to be loved
    Surrounded by all these shiny robot things
    No it won’t be enough
    Never be enough
    It won’t fill you up
    You feel me
    You’ll be searching a life time
    And it don’t take a degree in advanced Psychology
    To realize that we need You to save us from our technology
    So please Lord save us from our technology
    VERSE #2
    The world may be advancing but all our brains be shrinking
    Yeah just cause we can make it all less tangible don’t mean that we be thinking
    There’s no control just go go go
    Gotta do this can’t wait for that can’t say I’ll be right back
    Dang it I can’t figure this out oh sweet they got an app for that
    Yeah but what’s it cost when you can’t even look your kids or spouse in the eyes
    What’s it take to realize this blessing is the devil in disguise
    Yeah you could use it for good but you’re not
    And now your kids are walking around the next big thing and they don’t know what it is only that it’s not what they got but it’s hot
    I’m seeing all of you frantically searching during the holidays where we supposed to be churching
    Showing the whole world the meaning of Christmas
    Put down that touch screen phone flat screen TV next big game system forget that focus on this
    When was the last time you see anyone actually fun to be around with their head always down
    The only muscle inside their body that’s working is their fingers and a straight line from the head to the ground
    It’s a wonder they don’t get run over while the same people who be driving are just trying to say hi when
    All of a sudden you be off the road no control save your soul and then back home
    Because the one you hit no way they gonna be surviving
    What you afraid to be hugged
    Dating scene
    What you afraid to be loved
    Surrounded by all these shiny robot things
    No it won’t be enough
    Never be enough
    It won’t fill you up
    You feel me
    You’ll be searching a life time
    And it don’t take a degree in advanced Psychology
    To realize that we need You to save us from our technology
    So please Lord save us from our technology
    VERSE #3
    It’s pure obsession
    With a lack of direction
    I point the finger at the parents but they wouldn’t see it because they be texting
    My own mother didn’t grow up with a single bit of knowledge
    About all this crap nah she was focused on her college
    Now she won’t even speak to me unless it’s the letters on the screen
    iPhone own zone mom come home man she not even listening
    Please Lord just save all of us from this dependence
    What happened to are dependence on You
    What happened to all that used be so easy
    Now this technology making everything speedy
    But confusing us and using us and losing us completely
    Help me Lord to not get into it with them
    Help me Lord to show them how to be a true friend
    Help me Lord to be a witness
    Help me Lord to focus on You and forget this
    “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)
    What you afraid to be hugged
    Dating scene
    What you afraid to be loved
    Surrounded by all these shiny robot things
    No it won’t be enough
    Never be enough
    It won’t fill you up
    You feel me
    You’ll be searching a life time
    And it don’t take a degree in advanced Psychology
    To realize that we need You to save us from our technology
    So please Lord save us from our technology
    Turn off your phone
    Get out of your zone man
    Look up at the world passing you by
    Smile just once
    You can even say Hi
    It don’t take tons of energy
    Just don’t get sucked in
    And Lord forgive us
    For our dependence on this technology
    “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.” (Romans 8:5)

  6. Aidan says:

    Hope ya like it lecrae

    Hey man let me tell you something about me
    Ma mamma left
    I was sittin there cryin without thee
    I am still pissed at her
    I didnt think anythin worse could occur
    She didnt come back why?
    I dont know
    she left home for another guy
    She gave me too ma dad
    Ma bros were pissed
    And he was mad
    Trust me i wasnt happy either
    She said it wasnt for long
    I tried to beilieve her
    But it all felt so wrong
    So i found the lord
    And he helped me through it
    All that made feel a bit more fluid
    He planed this all for me
    And id be drowning without the almighty

  7. B-Randomn says:

    Title: New change!
    Chorus: God defeats Satan with this New change New change. Making me feel a million in His son’s name. I ain’t talking about the money flow. Bro. I got the holy spirit flowing like H2o.
    God defeats Satan with this New change New change. Making me feel like a million in His son’s name. I ain’t talking about the money flow. Bro. I got the Holy spirit flowing like H2o.
    God defeats Satan with my lyrical assisination. Jesus cures the earthly disease. I call it sinful vacinnation. B-randomn is taken. Rewind that line I ain’t fakin. Meditate on Real Jesus. My self Medication. Open the Bible to Job verse. Listen to the thunder. Turn around to God reverse concerned to be six feet under. Everything happens for a reason. Always appears as a blunder. All humans in the world will meet the God of Wonder. Satan had me on power chains. In the checking lane. Checking out my sinful brain. Cause it needs to be drained. All clogged up in this crazy train. Cray like 2Chains and LameWayne caring about money, women and fame. The evil one making me stumble falling like hailing rain and God lifting me up with his arm His Holy Crane. I got the Holy Spirit filled in my veins as I’m spitting flames that can’t be tamed cause I love this new change.
    Chorus: God defeats Satan with this New change New change. Making me feel like a million in His son’s name. I ain’t talking about the money flow. Bro. I got the Holy spirit flowing like H2o. -B-Randomn ……. What u think?

  8. Ethan Potts says:

    Sup Lacrae. I’m a big fan of your music. When I seen your album with you on it I thought you were another one of those trashy rappers I hear everyday. I don’t live in the best part of town. Especially being white. Its so hard to do right when wrong is all around. When i heard your music I was surprised that there was a christian rapper. My first time i smoked was horrible. At first I thought I was allergic, then i heard your music and I noticed that god was telling me something. “Hanging around people who do that is your loss.” Your music finally brought some since to me. You encourage kids to do right and to go down the path with Jesus in your songs. Being a teen is really tough. I heard your testimony on youtube and I want to do the same thing. Talk to anyone who will listen to me.

  9. Jason J BROWN says:

    Man, I have discovered through prayer in Yahweh’s stead the uncovered issues of the Greater Egyptian hieroglyphic fright of apoloGy pathEtic Great Babylon. The idolatry of the artful airwaves are self explaining in their psychic wizard and other anti levitical lawlessness and evils. THE TRUTH is what sets us free and the truth is we are all part of this electro-persecution addiction. I believe the LORD JEHOSHUA HA MASHIACH let us be apart of this sin so that we could know as all men are evil and we just ministers. GOD IS HOLY and of old used to defy the idolatrous ways. Yet as creator, lowercase, I see him as an equator and sympathetic LIKENESS of MEN. HEAVEN awaits the destruction on Megiddo for the deliverance unto HOLY and only PURE heaven for the soundness of the might for JOHN 3:16 to prevail as GOD would place it under the footstool of CHRIST. Also the deliverance from the defiling era and all of its injustices. Like Ralph on Venice beach, on HARDFLIP the movie *D, it might take courageous configuring for some men who have found some wealth in this dysfunction. YET as the children’s comics and cartoons explain in art the very real war in heaven and its realism behind it as horror and spiritual sin of every witchcraft kind. Also, looking back to its foundation to where men would not accept even a foul word let alone cartoons to so called defile them. Again, the idols on tele communication explain well heavens battle and imputing sin into man unreasonably with the ROMANS 13 governments help and church’s aloof support for the system and all its dysfunction, at the very least by allowance. SO, GOD BLESS all the disney kids and the rap community also. For we are given to the sin I know to show we are sinners and unholy as unto the CREATOR for the salvation and ministry of others. AMEN and hallelujah to the ALMIGHTY FATHER EVERLASTING LAMB OF GOD IN THE HOLY ASSEMBLY IN THE SPIRIT THEREOF. <33777888333 ps also note that this is a new airwave and the strong hold as of old is exceeding and abundant for earth's abducted sinners.

  10. elijah montero says:

    hey lecrae hi um i didnt get a chance to see you at creation this year and i rly wanna see you nd get a chance to talk to you i hope some how u see and read this <=) but im a fan of ur music i luv all ur songs and i hope i will be able to see you in 1 concert i did see u at creation 3 or for years ago i saw u preach nd then i saw u in a white van while i was walking heh please respond and i really hope you see this

  11. Coty Carroll says:

    Dear lecrae,

    I thank you for singing the songs that you sing! Because your songs give me strength to carry out the day. If it wast for your songs I prolly wouldn’t be where I’m at today! I’m only 17 years old but I’ve done it all! From pot to pills, I’m not proud of what I done but I am proud of what I’ve become! I got saved about a year ago, I got to Amit! It’s not been easy but it’s been worth it and its all because of you song “Jesus muzik” it showed me that you can be a Christain and not be ashamed!! Romans 1: 16 I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ!!

  12. Grace J says:

    hey Lecrae,
    i have this freind who is a huge huge fan of yours. Tomorrow is his birthday and me and my freind josh were wondering if you could wish him a happy birthday on instagram. his username is @calebj32 and he is following you. we would really appreciate it. It would really make his day. josh has asked you on ig already.
    thanks alot

  13. so I didnt know where else to post this to get feedback, just wondering what people thought of my lyrics.. the lines in the chorus with bracketted words at the end are sung :)

    yo we living in a game
    coming n going
    sometimes we feel shame
    when we glimpse at the past
    and chance the gone with what lasts
    we see the days turn to dates
    and the dates into memories
    every days a matrix u in it or your an enemy
    stand up for all to see
    let me analyse that
    explain what you believe
    bullet in the head
    would you still profess
    to love jesus
    aint scared of death
    already dead
    aint scared of less
    got all you need
    aint scared to step
    up and be
    a christian
    god sent
    n proud to be

    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    gotta ask cos it seems to me
    you only living for god
    when its suiting your dream
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    i ask cos luke warm bitter sweet
    aint a way to heaven man
    just another mind deceived
    just another broken stand
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    hope you aint playing a game here (yeah a yeah)

    —verse 2—
    man you acting like a sand man
    twisting and turning
    to the sound of around now
    falling and crumbling
    the second you knocked down
    just one bad word man
    you already knocked out
    you tryna stand tall
    but looking in a mirror
    you start to fall
    no confirmed identity
    no idea
    who your meant to be
    just another man without belief
    who just sleeps and breathes

    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    gotta ask cos it seems to me
    you only living for god
    when its suiting your dream
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    i ask cos luke warm bitter sweet
    aint a way to heaven man
    just another mind deceived
    just another broken stand
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    hope you aint playing a game here (yeah a yeah)

    –verse 3—
    now i know how you feel man
    wanna change the song
    cos you knowing how its real man
    so i real you in and finish with a punch line
    show you your sin
    so i show you gods stunts man

    a son who died
    on a cross now alive
    your identity restored
    in the blood of our god
    who’s love came to us
    in the face of our sin
    with his perfection evident
    not even worthy to step
    in his direction
    he stepped in ours
    intervened and gave us
    a reason
    gave us a purpose
    proposed to us a meaning
    a marriage
    a covenant
    gave us a season
    his spirit power
    and blessing
    and finished
    with life everlasting

    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    gotta ask cos it seems to me
    you only living for god
    when its suiting your dream
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    i ask cos luke warm bitter sweet
    aint a way to heaven man
    just another mind deceived
    just another broken stand
    you playing a game here (yeah a yeah)
    hope you aint playing a game here (yeah a yeah)

  14. Briana Lewis says:

    hey, lecrae i just wanted to tell you that i listened to tell the world, in the album gravity and you quoted 2 corinthians 5:17! Thats my life testimony and its engraved on my purity ring. I love that song and its very passionate about our savior. The Lord has really worked on my heart since Passion 2012 the one you sang at.. I couldnt have asked the Lord to bless me anymore than he already has and its awesome because i love you and that you were apart of passion that year for me! Thank you, glory be to Jesus!

  15. Marshall Todd says:

    Dear Lecrae,

    I just wanted to let you know how much your music has changed my life. I fell in love with “Go Hard”, “Im a Saint” and “Fall Back” about a year ago and have been hooked ever since. Ive always been a strong Christian, but now I feel that my faith is invincible and can’t be broken. Thank you sooo much. My life has been changed forever. I am unashamed.

  16. Derrken Jackson says:

    OK, OK I like

  17. amazing never stop doing what you do. you’re inspiration we need more glorifying, real, and true music. I love you and I thank you God Bless.


  18. zenas says:

    Dear Lecrae how did you make it as a christ rapper i need your advice on it i do christ rap but i need help not a lot of people hear me. I really try my best to be a christ rapper my nummber 2146323526 i hope you can call soon

  19. Michael Martinez says:

    Dear Lecrae,
    I could not find trip Lee’s or your’s fan mail so I decided to just write this letter to you guys on here. I am a huge fan of you guys ever since i became one with Christ. My favorite song by you is “I’m a Saint” and my favorite song by Trip Lee is “I’m Good.” The reason I am writing this letter to you guys is because teens at my church are struggling to find christ. They show up to service, but they are still in possys when you walk around and the room is very segregated. Also, as you walk around it does not seem like a very holy place. The other teens talk about how drunk they got last night and who they want to sleep with. It did not use to be this way and it is very sad.
    I was wondering if maybe you or Trip Lee could come and talk to the teen ministry at my church and give a lesson. The teens are very into music at my church and so I think if anyone could change thier life to God, it would be you!
    Thank you for your time and please concider coming to my church. It did not use to be this way.

    Michael Martinez

    My church’s name is Cherry Hills Community Church. It is very large.

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