Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Perception of Belief

September 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Fan Mail

What does it mean to you to believe in Jesus? is it just believing that Jesus came to this earth and lived a perfect life and then died a horrible death that ultimately made us right with god? So if you believe that, and then you go about your life and die, you will spend eternity in heaven? If that was the case, don’t you think that the devil will spend eternity in heaven because surely he believes that too! Not quite, believing doesn’t consist of believing that and going around and telling others about the good news (a.k.a doing works) either. Because it even says in Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” So that means true belief comes from not only believing that you were made right in GOD’s eyes by the death of Jesus, but also being changed in your heart (truly) so that you no longer can live the worldly lifestyle and that you are trying your honest best to be more and more like Christ every day. If your feelings of the world and actions in the world haven’t changed, then you haven’t truly changed in your heart. I pray that you could be changed and be free from this world so that I can one day see you in heaven!!!

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3 Responses to “Perception of Belief”
  1. Josh mann says:

    Lecrae.. What exactly do you believe takes a person to heaven? Is it just a change that takes place after one makes a profession of faith? Or is it accepting the lord Jesus Christ as lord and savior? Is it believing that he took the payment for our sin upon his head and has payed our sin debt? Is it excepting him as the payment for our sin and believing that he has redeemed
    us ? Can one be saved by making a change in their life
    And doing good things that are Christ like for the rest of there life?

  2. Brandon Jay says:

    Amen to that! It gets me so excited to see people who are not easily sucked into this world of sin but rise above it. To live for God is something not the normal for most people; which makes us abnormal because we do not live for a normal God. The problem with today’s world is that we try to find reason in everything and try to figure every little thing out, as if there is science in everything. But if that was the case then we would have figured out God by now, but no one can figure God out. He is above all, He stands in a category alone, He is God all by Himself! And I pray that every single person on earth will realize that. That they will realize that there is something waiting for them that is far greater than what this earth can ever offer them; and that something is God. Ever since I truly started my walk with God, it’s like I am a different person. As a matter of fact I am a different person! I can’t explain it bgut God just has done something to me when I allowed Him in my heart and life that just makes me want to give it all to Him…..

  3. Munir "Big Mu" Ramahi says:

    “My belief in Jesus is not just Belief its more than that”
    10/2/05 I’ve been through a horrible Brain Injury (not telling you this to feel bad)and I have been searching and or waiting for the right thing, 1 and half years after finally made the right choice and excepting Jesus into my life and I became better Mentally,Physically(14years old wieghed 300LBS purefat) and most definitely Spiritually. I was in 8th grade when this happened to me and havent failed one grade of skool after that.Graduated Hihg School 2010 now at Job Corp in St.Pete. So what I like to say is
    “The man I am today is a Blessing”
    GOD has done something to me through this and I’m LOVING IT
    —Munir “Big Mu” Ramahi

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