Wednesday, March 26, 2025

My Song Carless World

September 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Fan Mail

this song is about cruel ppl in the world. and if u have no 1 in ur life. turn to GOD. my dream is to be a christian rapper. i know with the lords help i can do anthing. something tells me i shouls put my song on here. i hope you like it. and i hope it helps others.

Are you living a hard life right now,
wishen all your problems could go pow,
as i read the bible page by page,
sharing the rage,
of the lion in its cage,
bin bullied parts of my life,
never knowing if ill geta wife,
let me tall ya,
its a careless world out there ya kno,
just when you gatta go,
go ahead express your feelings,
that guy dont care bout wat ur deeling,
cruel ppl all over,
only if we all had the 4 leaf clover,
why dont we have any luck,
with chuck,
that looks like a duck,
thats not funny quit laghin,
no wonder why this world is gaspin,
gaspin for air,
wet from the rain,
drenched in that pain,
why do i live in vain,
if that pain is ganna gain,
feeling in the dumps,
cralling over the humps,
heart beatin in thumps,
asi look deep within,
telling from right to sin,
my life opens and closes in,
ive bin all that mess,
bin through that stress,
but you know who cares,
do you know who stares,
god does it all,
makes sure u dont fall,
hill gide u down the hall,
to the heavens gate,
where theres no hate,
just everybody appreciates,
listen to that small vioce,
so you make the right chose,
ive made mistakes,
as bad as earthquakes,
prayed to god for a change,
he made sure of its range,
my life had ups and downs,
like the life of a clowns,
problems everywhere i seek,
now look im on top of the peek,
one more thing i gatta say,
this will pay,
for the days,
from one to may,
dont count on man,
trust the lord cause you can,
you where here for a reason,
till the day you die in a paticular season,

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9 Responses to “My Song Carless World”
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  4. I must say ..your lyrics made me smile. well let me introduce myself. I am from the caribbean in antigua . I am a song writer to but one that is very unique the thing is i write gospel and R&B . I soon dream one day of becoming a gospel and R&B singer. I am young, been writing songs since i was 11 .. so i hope that ure dream comes true as well as mine.Ever since i started to listen to Lecrae i realized its Really either God or Satan . SO i choose God ,,, its not an easy road cause temptations surrounds us like water around the world . SO just let God lead u .Keep it up .u never know one day soon in the future we’ll both be singers. LOL . BLess up !

  5. teto says:

    Your lyrics are ok, You’ll get better at it with practice homie :)

    Hey my brotha don’t let it get you down
    I’m just anotha, cat lookin’ for that holy sound
    To fill my cup to the tip-top
    witha good message inbedded in this hip-hop
    yeah christian, life is hard
    That’s why I listen, and have faith in God.
    if i dont apear holy to you, you dont have to judge
    Your not the only one too, so why you holdin that grudge
    God knows i’m true to him
    When I pray I know he’s listenin, to keep my faith from wearin thin, I avoid the doubt, put on my gloves, and Knock it out.
    Are you free, or locked in a cage?
    Gods got the key, to break out with rage.
    Keep practicin’ your lyrical skill
    Cuz soon you’ll be masterin’, the art of biblical kill.

    lol You encouraged me to write this at the top of my head.
    Jah bless dude.

  6. wendy says:

    real qood lyrics :) ,, ima sonq writer tuh :D i write lyrics from rap to rock : spanish and enqlish ; everythinq <3 ,, God is usinq his pple to spread da qospel .. one day we will all be known all over the world , and only cuz we be prasinq our lord :] , God bless nd keep it up . dont let anyone brinq yuh down :) <3

  7. Jake says:

    Loved the rap. Keep working on that dream, it doesn’t have to have a beat and be on a CD and all that to help people cuz I know im coping down these lyrics. reading them just once helped me.

  8. Megan says:

    Nice rap. i think youve got awesome potential to spread the word thru rapping. keep it up! :)

  9. Madi says:

    awesome lyrics!

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