Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Our World Redeemed

flame - Our World Redeemed

1. Flash Back (Intro)
2. Funeral to Birthday
3. Go Buck
4. Who Can Pluck Us
5. Its You
6. Confession Interlude
7. Hold On
8. I Been Redeemed
9. On That Cross
10. See More Him (Intro)
11. See More Him
12. Power In Your Name
13. Drama Of Redemption (Interlude)
14. It’s All Gon’ Pass
15. 2nd Coming
16. Joyful Noise
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Lyrics to Flash Back (Intro) :

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Lyrics to Funeral to Birthday :

(feat. Json & Kenny Petty)

2 Corinthians Chapter 1 verses 3 and 4 begins, “blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all of our affliction. So that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with which the comfort we ourselves, are comforted by God.”

Now at this time we have someone from the family who will give words of condolences. Thank God for you young man. Yes, go right ahead

[VERSE 1:]
Can’t believe that he gone
When he left he took apart of me
Forgive me, It’s so hard to speak
See we went from the days of playing hide and seek
To being faced with the day I had to watch him leave
And though memories fade his face is on my arm
So he’ll live on after the grave
Ya’ll remember him for acting thug
I see highwaters, loafers and a Jackson glove
We were so young
Nothing could get us apart
Not even death
He’ll always live in my heart
And Auntie, you know there was nothing that I wouldn’t have did for him
I was willing to die for him
Now I want to live for him
With every breath that I’m breathing tonight
If you hear me, I promise your death will lead me to life
It’s time for a change start living it right
I’m ready to make a decision for Christ
I want to give Him my life

Thank – You – Lord
I’ve been running away from you too long
But I’m coming, I hear you calling me, saying come back home

Amen Amen. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, that even in the midst of such an untimely tragedy, the glory of God is revealed in this young man giving his life to Christ. And right now we have a special request from the family – that a young man share his heart. Receive at this time Marcus Gray

[VERSE 2:]
My heart goes out to the family first of all
Ya’ll need help don’t hesitate to call
I’ll be right here
If it’s just for a prayer to God or just to talk I’m right here even just to wipe tears
But what I wanna say
There’s gonna come a day
For each person to die and then to face God
None of us know when it’s our time to go
So while we all still alive
Just repent and embrace God
Not these lie’s these guys telling all on the block
The same lies in disguise that’s got this man shot
It’s hard ya’ll when we at this type of funeral
Cause usually the eulogy is where we talk nice
And when we leave you sell weed and chop bricks
And turn tricks until something like this, flip on the lights
Guess what I’m saying it’s the same old song
He loves you so much so come – back – home

Now according to our text in 2 Corinthians Chapter 1 – we have the promise of God that He is a comforter in not just some, but all of our afflictions. Yes, and those of us who have experienced the abundant comfort through our relationship with Christ, are equip by the grace of God to assist in comforting this family. And, yes, church we want to wrap our arms around them and serve them at this time of bereavement. Not just in word, but indeed also.

Now as I look over all of these young faces in this Sanctuary. There is no doubt you have been touched by the life of this young man and gripped by his death. Yes, we are forced to hold our attention at death today – though in our generation, life, pleasures, pursuits, having big things and living big dreams are more appealing topics of conversation and thought. But today, we face with one undisputed absolute truth of our own mortality. But in 2 Corinthians Chapter 1 verse 9, God gives us two reasons for us to face death and our powerlessness against it. Number 1, that we should not trust in ourselves. And number 2, that we should trust in God who raises the dead.

Now understand, we are not victims of death, but death according to James is the result of our sin and rebellion against God. But we are not left without hope – for God sent His Son Jesus Christ who took up all our sins and died on the cross. And according to Hebrews defeated death through His resurrection for all who would believe. Chris Johnson has not died in vain. There are some in this room, who through the glory of Christ, this day will be redeemed

Thank – You – Lord
I’ve been running away from you too long
But I’m coming, I hear you calling me, saying come back home
(You ought to come back home, you ought to come back)

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Lyrics to Go Buck :

They ain’t ready man, I don’t think they ready
Let em go – they ain’t ready man, I don’t think they ready
Let em go – they ain’t ready man, I don’t think they ready
Let em go – they ain’t ready man, I don’t think they ready
Let em go – they ain’t ready man, I don’t think they ready
Let em go – they ain’t ready man, I don’t think they ready
Let em go – they ain’t ready man, I don’t think they ready
STOP! Ya’ll ain’t really ready

Go buck with the angels
Buck with the angels

You’re new to the faith and truly that’s great
Cause that’s enough to make the angels in Heaven celebrate
And now a party over one shorty that truly escape
The Wrath of Father cause Abba has now given them grace
There is joy in the Heaven’s when a sinner repents
Way over 99 who’s already convinced
So when you see us and you thinking we ain’t got no sense
It’s definitely due to the fact that we’ve been given a gift
See we’re ignited like a volcano blast
And we’re having the same party that the angels are having
In the Heavens all in the ­­­­presence of the anchor we have
Now that’s peace no longer beef
No longer angering Dad
So when you see us get buck with our hands in the sky
And you see us go dumb without us getting’ high
It’s cause the Father sent the Son and now where running to die cause we never STOP!
Yup! Here we go again!

Go buck with the angels
Buck with the angels

Forget the popular topic of club hopping
Forget the topic of bottle the bubb popping
We keep it rocking for God cause we love doctrine
We keep it hopping ain’t stopping like subs knocking
We spaz out when they’re truly convinced
Of the truth that our Jesus has forgiven they sins
How He takes us and shapes and makes sharp as a crease
How He’s got us under arrest like they called the police (Listen)
We’re real excited and acknowledge you came
Into the knowledge of our Savior who is reigning as King
And now He’s changing things inside of you and making it plain
That you were stained one of the one’s who was making it rain
But now you’re free as a bird and you’re ready to fly
Counted the cost and recognizing that it is high
Carry your cross knowing that you’re ready to die
So count 1…2…3…4

Go buck with the angels
Buck with the angels
STOP! Let me stop playing with ya’ll

This the type of feeling that I can’t explain
All I really know is that I’m glad He came
Lived a perfect life then He died for FLAME
And everyone else putting trust in His name
Since the beginning men have been in the bind
Scripture renders us ignorant and considers us blind
So when the Unregenerate is giving His eyes
There’s a party before God for the naughtiest guys
So when we stand to our feet and we’re pounding the earth
Stomping the ground it’s going down in the church
Cause He rose from the grave and left death in the dirt
And when He ascended He sent the Holy Spirit to work
When we see genuine repentance then we go berserk
It’s real sweet like dessert
Him removing the curse
How He digs in the heart starts ruling the turf
He’ll never STOP!

Go buck with the angels
Buck with the angels
STOP! Ya’ll ain’t really ready

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Lyrics to Who Can Pluck Us :

Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It’s obviously that God wins

See what I’m about to mention some consider secondary
But never weary guarantee it’s very necessary
When Jesus hit the wood and she’d His blood on the tree
He did something good He was atoning for me
And all believers we see Peter would call the elect
And even Jesus said that His sheep could never be snatched
Out of His hands nor the Father cause He’s greater than
All and they’re one like a married woman and man
So listen up (listen up) I’m bout to make it plain
So you can hear me clearly and sincerely what I’m saying
Through Jesus sacrifice the Father was satisfied (run it back)
Through Jesus sacrifice the Father was satisfied (one more time)
Through Jesus sacrifice the Father was satisfied
Now He gives assurance to all those for whom He died
Now you wonder why would I say something like that
I’ll be right back, I’ll be – I’ll be right back

Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It’s obviously that God wins

I’m trying to tell you something you probably have never heard
And if you have you probably perceive them as dirty words
Words like election and predestination
Can get you stoned and thrown out of a congregation
But there in the Bible we gotta talk – talk about it (run it back)
But there in the Bible we gotta talk – talk about it (one more time)
But there in the Bible we gotta talk – talk about it
We can still love each other and share our thoughts about it
When Jesus died He drank the full cup of God’s Wrath
When He was crucified it was on our behalf
For all those the Father chose in eternity past
To be redeemed that simply means to be bought back
So when Christ expired the debt and the price was paid
For particular people on that night to be saved
Now you wonder why would I say something like that?
I’ll be right back, I’ll be – I’ll be right back

Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It’s obviously that God wins

Do you enjoy fellowship with God?
Are you sensitive to sin?
Do you obey God’s Word?
Do you reject the evil world?
Do you eagerly await Christ’s return?
Do you see a decrease pattern of sin in your life?
Do you love other Christians?
Do you experience answered prayer?
Do you discern between truth and error?
Do you have the witness of the spirit?
Are you rejected or persecuted for your Faith?
Just a lil taste for your salvation man
Read the whole book of 1 John
Jesus Christ – Holla!

Some people are truly tricked cause Satan’s got ‘em convinced
That they are saved when everyday they straddle the fence
But yet that’s nonsense for them I’m truly afraid
But those who mature can be assured that they’re truly saved
The Son who preexisted
Took on human flesh
Fulfilled the Father’s Commission
Lived a perfect life
Took the wrath of God
Spoke to the Father and said that it was finished
I’m done!

Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It’s obviously that God wins

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Lyrics to Its You :

Just think- just think about it
Won’t you just think about it

J-E-S-U-S is more powerful than the whole U-S is
Can’t do Him like Judas did
Cause if I did, that would be what foolish is
I don’t need all the fancy cars
I don’t need to win the Grammy Awards
Lord I need You
Cause when I’m low and need a battery charge
All the Grammy on the wall will offer me will be feeble
I need You like a coat in the winter time
You’re always faithful
Sure have been a friend of mine
I love Your table Ooo like it’s dinnertime
Grace on the plate I sure have got a sinner’s mind
You bring life I presume with dying
Now I follow behind You like a funeral line
Never knew what love was
But a, sending Your Son was a beautiful sign

You (It’s You, It’s You)
I never wanna live another day without You
(It’s You, It’s You)
I thought my way and my life was lost without you
(It’s You, It’s You)
No love, no breath, no me without you
(It’s You, It’s You)
It’s true I need you

Yes, J-U-S-T-I-F-I-E-D that’s what we need to be
That’ll get You in the presence of God
Then Heaven’s like VIP only better though, O!
Nothing to compare to
Not even that feeling when you get a new hairdo
He spared you if you’re still alive
The perfect opportunity to spill to God
I need You to get the props and praise
And never stop you’re the Rock of Ages
I attest to nothing you made was cropped or pasted
Creation jaw dropping amazing we imitate You
We need You just to see our way
Jesus Christ is our V-I-A
Cause we all gotta
Get ready for the bridegroom to come
We’re kind of like the fiancée

You (It’s You, It’s You)
I never wanna live another day without You
(It’s You, It’s You)
I thought my way and my life was lost without you
(It’s You, It’s You)
No love, no breath, no me without you
(It’s You, It’s You)
It’s true I need you

Been so good gotta bless my God
Can’t keep quiet gotta testify
He’s good to my heart like exercise
We must bow, we’re in the presence of God
Now, He’s flawless
He’s perfect
He’s awesome
Let’s worship
Let’s praise the ancient of days
And give our life as an offering and reasonable service
So you can keep the Benzo
We’re much more pleased being Jesus’ kinfolk
We’re much more pleased being free from sins hold
We finally see what we need within most
I can’t hold back
I gotta run this
Nothing healthy in the hood like Sun Chips
The Son dripped blood from a cross
While thugs spill blood in the street
We all need Him

You (It’s You, It’s You)
I never wanna live another day without You
(It’s You, It’s You)
I thought my way and my life was lost without you
(It’s You, It’s You)
No love, no breath, no me without you
(It’s You, It’s You)
It’s true I need you

Just think about it…
Spoken You know, Lord. We needed You… to die on the cross for our sins. And til this day, we still need you to give us grace. To give us strength – we need you.

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Lyrics to Confession Interlude :

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Lyrics to Hold On :

Say – Say – Say
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a warrior
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, just look at your neighbor say
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast

This walk it ain’t easy
Matter of fact it gets hard
You’ve enlisted for war
The battleground is your heart
It’s going to be some stress and strain
And discomfort and involved
But my advice to you homie is to make your resolve
To fight for your joy
In God’s keeping grace
So at the end you can say like Paul that I’ve kept the Faith
You see the way is hard
Cause narrow is the gate
And those who find it are few
I’m praying you complete the race
But yet his yoke is easy
And His burdens are light
But that’s the fight for us to rest and find in Him delight
You see our self reliance and self exaltation
Is still pacing in our souls as we battle with Satan
You see it’s unbelief that spring from our sinful pride
That straight denies that what God supplies can really satisfy
But God is working for us even though we hate the struggle
In decisions make the one’s that strengthen your Faith muscle

Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a warrior
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, look at your neighbor say
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast

I been crucified with Christ so it’s no longer I who live
But it’s… Christ who’s living inside your boy
Now my whole life’s defined by dying
To the praise of my God as I fight for joy
It’s getting bloody as I pluck out eyes
Matthew 5:29 flat our war (on the flesh)
To set my mind on the flesh is death
Gotta keep my mind set on the Spirit of course
Plus Satan came to kill and destroy (and steal)
Steal sheep from being the children of God (Amen)
Let my relationship run real deep (oh Lord)
How deep? All the way to the core
We’re in this process
Of making progress
Sanctification is taking place in our mindset
Cause we were united with Christ when He resurrected
Now we can reflect with the power of God

Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a warrior
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, look at your neighbor say
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast

You see this new life
It comes with new rules
You’re a new born baby
You’re fresh out of the womb
The Holy Spirit of God has given you new birth
Now your Father’s the Trinity you’re apart of the church
And all the church is – is the body of Christ
Jesus is the head of this organism giving it life
You see it’s one body, but yet it’s many members
Nothing but plenty sinners
Given His grace then He cleanse us
Man we need each other
The hand can’t say to the feet
That I don’t need you if I despise my eyes then I can’t see
So if one member suffers we suffer across the globe
So if my nose is broken then we’ll dysfunction-ally grow
So we must kill all individual talk
We’re all necessary visible invisible parts
So being in isolation only leads to more of sin
Don’t hurt the covenant like the cutting of foreskin

Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a warrior
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, look at your neighbor say
Hold on, He’s strong
Hold on, cause our God is a beast

Don’t you ever give up! (Repeat)

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Lyrics to I Been Redeemed :

Jesus did it – I been I been I been redeemed
Jesus did it – Every time I think about it I get amped

I’m bout to snap
Man this feeling’s medicinal
This redemption’s got me flipping
I can feel it in my physical
It’s like adrenaline venom
It’s got me feeling so missional
Blood dripping while they whip Him, can you picture my visual?
Yet it scriptural the commission to come and be giving to Roman’s Centurions to cure me and you from my sinfulness
This is nothing but the provisions for forgiveness He’s given to sinners like us
Cause His grace is just so irresistible (YES! )
When I think about that I’m saved
When I’m thinking back to that day
When I see ‘em spit in His face
When I see Him get in that grave
When I think about the 3 days
When I think about that He raised
When I think how death had got played
I just want to give Him the praise
See all I know Jehovah carries sins weight on His shoulders
He holds the controllers and regenerated some soldiers
The Holy Ghost played His role and see now we get it
Romans 116 ain’t afraid to admit it

Jesus did it – I been I been I been redeemed
Jesus did it – Every time I think about it I get amped

Already listen up a minute
Hold up give me just a minute
I’m tripping off redemption from the risen and His Blood that did it
I was sinning bro I must admit it
Evil I would come and get it
It was all I knew until He drew me to the Son and switched it
I’m accepted protected God is my refuge
I ain’t in danger the Savior came to my rescue
He’s been erasing the habits that’s known to wreck dudes
So my flesh I gotta check like a chess move
He purchased me gave birth to me
He paid the price for worthless me
Was hurt man would flirt with flames
He flipped that like a circus man
I’m so amazed His holy ways He bought me now I know and praise
The one who overflows with grace
Jehovah bro I’m blown away
Yea, what a relief it is
His wrath is satisfied
And through belief in this
I’m bought by Adonai
And when I think on this
That since the master died
I’m redeeming and His
I just break down inside

Jesus did it – I been I been I been redeemed
Jesus did it – Every time I think about it I get amped

Already bro it’s hard to grasp
Couldn’t have been a harder task
To give us life the Risen Christ
He made a way that all could have
Salvation from His father’s wrath
He bought us now we offer back
The lives He bought we die to thoughts and actions if they not for Dad
We saved from the old lives
We changed from them old guys
We switched from them chicks that used to flirt in they low rise
And all because the Father’s love was demonstrated to all of us
We’ve been freed from our deeds we was bought with Blood

From the Abrahamic Covenant back to Noah’s Flood
Back to Genesis 1, back before the world was
Before the serpent was even lurking in Eden’s grass
Before Eve and Adam ate in eternity past
There was a covenant made between the Father and Son
And Holy Spirit this was even before Genesis 1
Within the Godhead they all had a plan to redeem
So receive the redemption, be apart of the team

Jesus did it
I been I been I been redeemed
Jesus did it
Every time I think about it I get amped

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Lyrics to On That Cross :

When you were on that cross
I can’t believe you died for me
Oh Lord you gave me eyes to see
When I was lost
You showed me which way to go
Oh Lord you even saved my soul
When you were on that cross

Yes, the Lord reigns robed in majesty
The mountains melt like wax
Before the Lord cause He’s Holy and it has to be
Nothing but pure reverence
By His wisdom and understanding He stretched out the heavens
Who can endure His presence?
Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation
We praise Him with all that we’ve got
Even the seas roar
Let the trees of the forest sing for joy as the rivers clap before the Lord
In case you’ve ever wondered
Why was it all done?
What is it for?
My Lord the stars moon and sun
Even the skies testify to your greatness
Revelation 4:11 praise for all your creation
It’s all for your glory
Through your infinite power
Your intricate skill is seen through a blossoming flower
But yet Father you were pleased to bruise your own Son
So that sinners could come and be redeemed

When you were on that cross
I can’t believe you died for me
Oh Lord you gave me eyes to see
When I was lost
You showed me which way to go
Oh Lord you even saved my soul
When you were on that cross

We spend a lifetime looking for satisfaction in wrong places
But a blind man embraces whatever catch his fall
But if he’s spiritually blind and can’t see that he’s falling
Then quite naturally this cat a keep bumping into walls
But if a man who was also God offered him sight
Said he could save him from his behavior and sorry plight
And give him eyes to see the beauty of God the creator
Would he take Him by faith and stop putting up a fight?
Would he fall to the ground with his face to the pavement?
Just to worship the man who was God making His payment
For the sin he was born in that made him blind
And the debt he accumulated for loving lying
And bringing peace between the one in which he has beef
And sins against every week when he’s hugging the streets
And bring him close by the power of the Holy Ghost
The same God who crushed His son 2000 years ago

When you were on that cross
I can’t believe you died for me
Oh Lord you gave me eyes to see
When I was lost
You showed me which way to go
Oh Lord you even saved my soul
When you were on that cross

Every step Jesus took on the way to Golgotha
Echoed throughout the universe – for you Father
For the glory of God is of infinite worth
And his death’ll justify many and bring new birth
And every blow to His hands every thrust to his side
Every heave on the cross is for the glory of God
And now the murderer the prostitute and even the thug
And average person can now be cleansed by blood?

When you were on that cross
I can’t believe you died for me
Oh Lord you gave me eyes to see
When I was lost
You showed me which way to go
Oh Lord you even saved my soul
When you were on that cross

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Lyrics to See More Him (Intro) :

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Lyrics to See More Him :

I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
I’m a be like Zacchae
In that Sycamore tree
I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
Lord I promise (I promise) I promise

Prior to Jesus’ life death and re-re-Resurrection
Having any affect on me left me in deception
Because the God of this world Satan blinded my mind
From seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of God
But then a miracle happened
We-we call it conversion
He opened the eyes of my blind heart and led me to worship
Gotta a peek at His beauty as He opened the crack
That captivated my nature and kept me coming back
He gave me taste buds to taste of freedom to love
And to delight in His loving kindness through Jesus’ blood
And every since repentance I done been on this chase
To drink from this freedom fountain through His infinite grace
Namely seeking His face
Cause He removed the veil
Knocked me off my high horse and removed the scales
Now I’ve been exposed to His glorious light
That shines into the darkness in my heart and I’m like…

I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
I’m a be like Zacchae
In that Sycamore tree
I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
Lord I promise (I promise) I promise

Though I’m a Christian my vision sometimes even get blurred
When I’m resisting His visits and not reading His Word
Desperate need to be purged
Easy to lose the wonder
Through these daily distractions banging louder than thunder
When I devalue my Savior and start treasuring trash
And longing for mud patches thinking it’s greener grass
Exchanging eternal pleasures for the ones that’s going to pass
Looking for ‘em to satisfy but they lie never last
When captivated and activated by my deceitful lust
Is a lack of faith in my Father’s grace and I need to place my trust
In everything that my Father is and everything that He supplied
Through the perfect life of His Son
Death and resurrection of Christ
And I know I got to trust Him
All this sin I got to trust Him
World that we in I got to trust Him
How I’m going to live if I just brush Him
Knowing that my heart is mad disgusting
Knowing that the Father had to crush
Yes just so we can be free
Please give me eyes to see

I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
I’m a be like Zacchae
In that Sycamore tree
I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
Lord I promise (I promise) I promise

See I’m reminded in my mind in my brother Zacchaeus
Who took some desperate measures just so that He could see Jesus
As joy accompanied the faith that He felt in his soul
That made me question myself, how far am I willing to go?
What am I willing to get rid of so I can get close?
And closer and closer Lord, fill me with Your Holy Ghost
Pour out Your Spirit empower me in increasing measures
To see Your uniqueness instead of these fleet-fleeting pleasures
Give me greater capacities to suffer and to carry
This cross on my back as I walk to my personal Calvary
And climb on the cross oh Lord as I stretch out my arms
Quoting the Psalms as they banging them nails in my palms
Until I die cause I was crucified with my Savior
And resurrected now I can reflect it in my behavior
A new nature to taste and savor Jesus the Christ
Who brought me out of the darkness to His marvelous light

I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
I’m a be like Zacchae
In that Sycamore tree
I wanna see more of Him
Cause I’m sick of more of me
Lord I promise (I promise) I promise

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Lyrics to Power In Your Name :

So much power in Your name Lord
You saved us
So much power in Your name Lord
You bring deliverance
So much power in Your name Lord
Our Redeemer, our Savior, we worship and praise You Lord
So much power in Your name Lord
You healed us
There’s so much power in Your name Lord
You bring deliverance
There’s so much power in Your name Lord
Our Redeemer, our Savior… there is none like You

You’re the only one who knows when the sun will
Rise and set
You’re the only one who understands all my relationships
You hold the keys, through You we’ve been redeemed
No one like You Lord I want Your hand I need for You to
Show me
Face to me, teach me how to be free
Show me how to tame my thoughts, my feelings
Hey! Wooo! You, got Power in Your name!

You inhibit eternity yes!
By your prerogative You’re
Healing infirmities, Yes!
It’s the work of Your Trinity saving
Us, Yes!
It’s Your majesty we happily worship You, Yes!
Your prerogative You’ve turned and determined us
From our weariness and burdens You’ve given us
Not what we deserve cause what we have earned Lord
Is death
You’ve provided Your spirit – enables us to press.

So much power in Your name Lord
You saved us
So much power in Your name Lord
You bring deliverance
So much power in Your name Lord
Our Redeemer, our Savior, we worship and praise You Lord
So much power in Your name Lord
You healed us
There’s so much power in Your name Lord
You bring deliverance
There’s so much power in Your name Lord
Our Redeemer, our Savior… there is none like You

You’re the only one who knows when the sun will
Rise and set
You’re the only one who understands all my relationships
You hold the keys, through You we’ve been redeemed
No one like You, Lord I want Your hand I need for You to
Show me
Face to me, teach me how to be free
Show me how to tame my thoughts, my feelings
Hey! Wooo! You, got Power in Your name!

What greater place than to be in the presence of
With hands raised while we praise tears drop to the
In Your presence there is definitely fullness of joy
Your right hand are pleasures that are forever more
Our Redeemer, our Provider and You’re our
You’re our Healer, Deliverer and You’re our
You’re our Shield, our Refuge and You’re our
You’re our Savior we treasure You above all things.

So much power in Your name Lord
You saved us
So much power in Your name Lord
You bring deliverance
So much power in Your name Lord
Our Redeemer, our Savior, we worship and praise You Lord
So much power in Your name Lord
You healed us
There’s so much power in Your name Lord
You bring deliverance
There’s so much power in Your name Lord
Our Redeemer, our Savior… there is none like You
El Elyon
You are the most high God (there is none like You)
There’s no other name
That’s higher than your name (there is none like You)
El Elyon
You are the most high God (there is none like You)
Our Redeemer
Our Savior
I must say that there is none like you

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Lyrics to Drama Of Redemption (Interlude) :

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Lyrics to It’s All Gon’ Pass :

Everyday, at the end of my block
See big whips pulling out the rim shop
Black on black Giovanni’s they blowing they money that’s how they spend guac
Not tripping off where they gone end up
They aint listening, chilling, ignoring His calling
Learned it on REDEEMED, but you really should’ve learn it on OUR WORLD FALLEN
But you’re living for the moment
God’s gifts you don’t want it
When Christ comes back He’s going to hit harder than Katrina hit New Orleans
You’re gonna lose all you have
One day it’s all gon pass
You’ll meet the Rock of Ages bigger than the rock that made Titanic crash
Puffing blunts in the Jag
That’s how you stuck with your cash
Like Lil Wayne You gone all day with your money tucked in a duffle bag
Sell a couple of bags you on the block grinding
Chasing American dreams so you can keep shinin’
But your time is winding up
You ain’t never gonna have enough
Even money got more faith than you cause every dollar says in God we trust
It’s the lust of the flesh
Your turn just could be next
You never know when it’s over time, but are you prepared to play sudden death

You can have it all take the cars and the cash
It ain’t gon’ mean nothing when the Lord comes back
It’s all go pass – I said it’s all gon’ pass
Oh Lord

Reporting live from the booth
Good Morning America
Still here to inform you’re Godless in your character
Like your pop you’re a natural born replica
No better I was chief of the heathens far from a amateur
Anxious to make a statement
Park I’m going to keep it basic
I know you’re on your weight lift
Laced in designer bracelets
God is just and patient
Reveals this Truth so gracious
The chosen one like Matrix
Endured the brutal facelift
Chosen to choose man I was birth for this
Called out to give the lost direction like turn you missed
No pride of life I gotta shy God loves brokenness
Had to fly above the norm too much turbulence
Ain’t pushing keys
Crushing trees or popping E
Minus Christ no matter how your placed your sideways daddy like PS3
I know the fox is mean
You whip a Lamborghini
Steady on the rise, but you gon’ burn scrap like gasoline
Ya dig

You can have it all take the cars and the cash
It ain’t gon’ mean nothing when the Lord comes back
It’s all go pass – I said it’s all gon’ pass
Oh Lord

Listen, cats is hungry for that money so hungry it’s like a pot of greens
Cause once you taste it you change faces like Halloween
I see you movements you keep it smoother than Frank Lucas
You’re flirting with flames, but ain’t came through St Louis
You want that pot of gold, that’s Harry Potter though
I mean fantasy man answer me what about your soul
See Christianity’s basically like a movie trailer
Showing you clips that Heaven’s better
Yet you’d rather settle
For the bootleg with low class quality
What are yellow diamonds and the earthly monopoly I mean a
Dozens of cars and a dozen of houses and a couple awards
And a couple of islands plus a couple of girls
You know that be wildin’ but
Compared to Heaven that’s a couple of thousand bucks
See life is like a vapor
I know you like the paper
But paper’s passing away you should take to Christ the Savior

You can have it all take the cars and the cash
It ain’t gon’ mean nothing when the Lord comes back
It’s all go pass
I said it’s all gon’ pass

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Lyrics to 2nd Coming :

Spoken Matthew 24 verse 30. “And then, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn. Why? For they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.” Every eye will see Him that is the scope of His coming. Every eye will see him, it is visible. Well I got news for you, when He comes in, you’re going to know He’s there; you’re going to know He’s around

Picture Christ coming back like a thief in the night came
Riding a white horse with the force of a night train
Heaven’s open behold and overthrowing your dice game
With His pure and Holy vision eyes blazing just like flames
And nothing can escape the penetration of His holy gaze
His eyes in all places recognizing unholy ways on His
Head are many diadems or victory crowns
Who’s the victor fit to be crowned in human history now
With a name written all over Him that nobody knows
Clothed in a robe soaked in the Blood of His foes
Symbolizing the battle won with Satan sin and the grave
Death has no more strength
Heaven’s armies arrayed in fine linen
White and pure following Him on them white horses
The word of God from his mouth is a sharp sword
Who can thwart Lord your divine report card
That reports the hearts of the nations have failed hard

When Jesus came the first time, He was falsely accused, He was reviled, He was rejected, He was tortured, He was treated like a criminal – He was hung up on a cross and killed. He’s coming back to clear His name. Look over at Matthew 26… and the high priest said to Him; “I adjure you by the living God that you tell us whether you are the Christ the son of God.”

In the scriptures we find facts
Pictures of divine acts
Prophesied God provides wisdom the mind lacks
At History’s climax
More vivid than IMAX
The sky cracks with Jesus on some, I’m back
Now, just try to visualize the most glorious site ever to hit physical eyes
Holy angels in Christ who gets minimalized in splendor arrives and all the dead in Him will arise
Believers who are alive become a maturated order
And caught up in the clouds like evaporated water
To be captivated by the Master’s grace and aura
Before He activates the slaughter on the cats who hate the Torah
The file wildin’ out and doubt and wouldn’t call on Him
And now crying out for the mountains to fall on ‘em
The dead come out the grave at the holy judge they look
They’re broken up and shook while He opens up the books
All sins will be weighed not ignored
And law breakers slayed (slain) by the sword by the day of the Lord
While we gaze and admire His greatness, liars and fakes who hate Messiah they expire in the fiery lake
Made for Satan and his angels sent to deceive
Multitudes who refuse to repent and believe
The elect have no hell to fear
Cause we’re related to the judge like the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Listen, there is coming a time in God’s providence and God’s plan when He is going to once and for all finally do away with Satan and with the angels that followed Satan in His rebellion those non-elect angels. Those demons God will deal with them all at some point.

In the scriptures we find facts
Christians in God’s wrath
Two different paths that never cross the cross bought the divine pass
The wicked had a mind lapse
Resisting to the time that the cataclysmic, catastrophic judgment turned the skies black
No date setting clock watching or time seeking
Only the Father can bother with the divine secret
Not even Jesus is time peaking, but I’m speaking of His humanity – every man and then every woman
Who lives in vanity will be saying at the second coming
Set the hands of time back, please God rewind that
The Bible says that I’m a sinner
Then I confess that I’m that
But God is beyond that
Weep and plead but His fury will be like the turbulent seas
The elect will be gathered from all the four corners
Of the world boys and girls who thoroughly tried trying to warn you
Of the cosmic disruption of the physical order
And the stars start fallen fire drying up the waters
But the cross was sufficient His death was efficient
To take a wicked bigot and flip it make him a Christian
Teach him the Great Commission
His mission is soul fishing
Before He’s revealed from Heaven with mighty angels
And flaming fire asked the Messiah to change you
Eternal Hell fire ain’t worth sinning
It’s time to search your heart like the google search engine

When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire; dealing our retributions to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Salvation is obeying the Gospel, refusing to obey the Gospel results in judgment. Obey the Gospel and these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power. When He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day and to be marveled at among all those who have believed – for our testimony to you was believe. So He’s going to come – He is going to judge the ungodly. And the Bible says, those of us who are saved; we are going to marvel; this is going to be an amazing thing
He could be coming back tonight…

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Lyrics to Joyful Noise :

You know what it is
I love it
Let’s talk about it

Your boy’s been a Christian, quite a few years
Victory and faith, but I failed in my fears
I heard a lot of words that have tickled many ears
That’s why I praise God for the Word that we adhere
The Word became flesh, lived for thirty years
Died at 33, but after days reappeared
Jesus Christ anointed one ascended in the air
Or you can say the air where the Father made Him heir
Of all things the throne know it’s more than a chair
But after our redemption yes He did take a chair
Greater than the angels name superior to theirs
This is Hebrews Chapter 1 if you cared
I’m leaning to the right
The light is where I’m running
I thought I wanted life, drunk, sexed out and blunted
But all I really wanted was the One who really won it
Fought death, beat it gave His life to the public
I love it!

Angels surrounding His throne and
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
The whole earth is full of His glory
All nations bow to His name
His majesty fills the Heavens
Our hearts give thunderous praise
Declare the Lord is forever
Make a joyful noise in this place

Man I’m trying to lift Him high
Higher than the stars
I am not of this world like I’m from the planet mars
I love to preach Jesus you can read it in my bars
I’m pretty straight forward when I’m speaking bout my Lord
He paid the sin price being beat by Roman guards
But when He resurrected gave us life free of charge
Now me and my boys need to be in a psych ward
Cause we went crazy for God our lives was scared
Now in the Book of Life, our names have been written down
We’re casting our crowns before His feet on the ground
It’s such a holy melody and a heavenly sound
Hearing holy holy holy coming out of the mouth
Of the four living creatures by His throne all around
Can you picture the scene this this is how it’s going down
You just need a little faith and a new set of eyes and a telescopic lens to look in and see God
I love it!

Angels surrounding His throne and
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
The whole earth is full of His glory
All nations bow to His name
His majesty fills the Heavens
Our hearts give thunderous praise
Declare the Lord is forever
Make a joyful noise in this place

One day we gon’ be out man, like three strikes
And home son like a homerun CHRIST
Can take a sinner, atheist sinner to God conscience
Can take nothing
Make creation and lives honor
The same God that came through a fetus as Jesus
Limited to breathing
Got believers singing

Angels surrounding His throne and
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
The whole earth is full of His glory
All nations bow to His name
His majesty fills the Heavens
Our hearts give thunderous praise
Declare the Lord is forever
Make a joyful noise in this place

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