Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Lecrae Blogs From Sudan

October 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

Arrival/Day 1

After flying from Amsterdam to Entebbe, Uganda, the team and I were tired, so we planned to spend the night in Entebbe and rest up. After dinner, prayer, and great convo, Dawn (one of the ladies on our team) heard a familiar tune coming from the front room of our living quarters. We gathered around a small television, and watched as a local Ugandan Hip-hop music video show ended featuring a new video from none other than our brother Trip Lee! It was like God was confirming He was with us. I mean, what are the chances that at that moment the very people who would most appreciate seeing Trip’s “Invasion” video were there to see it? God was and is with us.

We woke up and hopped on a plane to Sudan the next day. After an hour in the sky, we came in for a landing on a small dirt road in Yei, Sudan. We are working alongside a Sudanese church and a ministry called His Voice, which has opened multiple orphanages. Upon landing, I had no feelings of anxiety just a desire for God to work.

Once our plane door opened we were moved to tears as some 20 or more children sang to us. “Welcome, welcome to Sudan…welcome brothers…welcome sisters…welcome to Sudan,” their pleasant voices sang. All of these beautiful voices were orphaned, but the provision of God was evident in their smiles. The lead pastor of the Sudanese Church, “Bishop,” allowed the children to look inside our plane, since they had never seen the inside of one before. The widows who are employed to care for the children kept order for the excited faces that were giddy at their first encounter with the interior of an airplane. I was overjoyed.

As we rode into the village, villagers who had been anticipating our arrival greeted us on both sides of the road. Once we pulled up to the compound the church owns, we were greeted again by an array of drums, beautiful singing, and wooden string instruments. It was an overwhelming sight. I was torn between capturing it on film and just taking in the moment. After worship songs and prayer, I was again reminded of what I am always keenly aware of beyond American soil–God’s presence is everywhere. Dinner, free time to gaze into a green peaceful backdrop provided by God, testimony of the Spirit’s work in villagers and a public repentance and acceptance of Christ…my day and my heart is full. Welcome, welcome to Sudan.

Prayers: Open the eyes of my Heart to see God’s immeasurable power. Ephesians 1:18-21

From Reach Records

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8 Responses to “Lecrae Blogs From Sudan”
  1. Kayanga Nelson says:

    A friend of mine once gave me a collection of Gospel Hip Hop tracks “hip holly” and I must say I was more than impressed with what I heard. Among the tracks, were Lacrae’s hits like “far away”, “rebel”,”don’t waste your life” and many more. Since then I have been a big fan of you Lacrae and your music.Unfortunately I have just learned of this visit due to poor internet connectivity access here in Juba. I would like to say am very excited to know that Lacrae was in Yei! I know this visit is a blessing to my country and hope that next time I will not miss if you came again. I am the chairperson of Student Christian Movement of South Sudan (SCM-SS) and on behalf of the movement, I would like to express our interest in working with you in the near future.

  2. Eliab says:

    wow…man He does work

  3. Lecrae,
    Brother I just listened to your testimony and was encouraged by what Christ has done in your life. We have similar stories and I relate to you in many many ways two of which we both had praying grandmothers and listened to 2pac growing up… I am a student a North Georgia College in Dahlonega, Ga but I’m from Newnan. I am involved with Campus Outreach here by which God used as a means of drawing me near. I thrive on the Scriptures in your songs and am grateful to have hip hop music with pure lyrics.. Keep doing working zealously in Sudan. Hopefully we will meet in the near future to share our stories. in Christ, Thomas

    Eph.1:2,7, Titus 2:11-14,3:3-7,Gal.2:20,5:1,1 Jn.5:20,Prov.24:13-14,Jere.15:16,Job 23:12

  4. robert says:

    God is great and awesome .any looking to sponser a child check out world vision great program working around the world to feed familys and to show share Gods love .my sponser child Utule Sili writes me and i recieve pictures of her i can even visit her with a 6months notice.please check it out anybody i promise you will be glad you did.The children really appreciate with all there heart

  5. Hannah says:

    I’m recently started reading a book called ‘What is the What’, you may have heard of it before…? The reason I truly picked up this book was because of my curiosity of the country. All I’ve ever heard of Sudan was its turmoil. But here, you have spoken of Sudan in a differnt light. I personally have been praying for the people there; This post has shed hope on Sudan. Based on everything we hear through the media about Sudan, how was it different actually being there? Of course, I have never been to Sudan, but I know God is at work there (and all around the world), just like you said. Thank you for sharing this blog!

  6. Courtney says:

    Oh awesome! I went to Uganda for a mission trip in 2009! Beautiful, beautiful people (God’s creation)!!! I love God’s little encouragements throughout the day!

  7. Aropet says:

    God is at work

  8. Ralph says:

    God guide you always! God really made us in his image.

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