First Rap for Jesus
Why? Why did I do it again?
Satan tempts my eyes and thoughts,
And I fall back into my pit of sin.
I know this is wrong, so I want to quit.
But with my eyes sill shut, I just keep missin it.
Missin God. Missin truth. Missin what He has in store.
I like the feelin of sin, but what I can’t see is it’s got me on the floor.
Will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.
I keep fallin back down. I can’t see below me.
I wanna run to him. I want for him to hold me.
He’s all that I can see above.
I see how much he cares, and all the great depths of his love.
But will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.
I opened my eyes, but it still ain’t workin.
Somethin’s in the way of me tryin to desperately serve Him.
Wait – did I really open my eyes, or is this just a dream?
Slap myself. Nothin. God, get me outta this dream!
Wow! Now my eyes are open. Is all this really true?
Ya. Of course it is. I’m certain.
Cause the way I see it now, my eyes just needed opened.
Will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.
Will He hear me? Do I dare?
Should I open up to Him and share?
Share everything in my heart and mind?
Every horrible sinful pain I keep locked inside?
Ya. I need to stop – and just open up my eyes.
Love the music. In a world were the Christian music is very hard to hear. I know that somewhere there are people who take the time to write music that is pleasing to God.
I posted this forever ago. I wrote it a year ago when I was 13. I know I’m not that good yet, but I think it would be awesome to be able to really rap and stuff for God. 
this is great!
who raps this song..can anyone tell me the name of the artist thank you and god bless u…
Hold to these beats, lock it down like handcuffs.
Key stripped, Houdini may not get out, man this life’s rough.
No fluff and no topping, C.R.E.A.M leavin me whipped.
Pimped by the world, out to sea and I’m trying not to drift.
But I know I’m the bride, lift the vail from my eyes.
I dared to see things unseen, vision inside rises like the tide.
Full moon and all in, lets do this thing again.
Like Jeremiah, got the fire, feel my marrow burning.