DWYL Reps at Mars Hill Church, Seattle WA
August 3, 2009 by Lecrae.net
Filed under DWYL, Videos
Seattle is known for one thing nation wide, rain. But on July 24, the only rain that was found was the reign of Jesus Christ. Lecrae, Tedashi, Sho Baraka, Trip Lee, and Flame made it known they were not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rapping to a sold out crowd in Downtown Seattle at Mars Hill Church, the glory of God was made known directly to all who were present, and indirectly to all who were surrounding this church. The annoynting was strong and signs and wonders were realities. DWYL touched many lives forever. Below are a few videos from this glorious night. Check them out!
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I couldn’t resist commenting. Very well written!
this was truly a great concert!
dont waste your life guys!