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Crucial to release free album “The End of the World” Dec 12th – Cover revealed (hot!)

December 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Around the Web


According to several sources, the official “doomsday” prophecy points to December 21st, 2012.  This is a prophecy that stems from the Mayan calendar, and has been speculated among many scholars and religions over the years as the actual end of the world as we know it.  This “Mayan” prophecy has been so widely accepted as the true and final “end of world” date that in 2009, Sony Pictures Entertainment backed a major movie production centered around this long-foretold date of disaster.   Actors John Cusack and Danny Glover were just two of the A-List stars that graced the silver screen for this $ 200 million production.  With all things considered, the date of December 21st, 2012 is obviously a pretty big deal in the eyes of this world.

But here’s the problem:  The one and only TRUE and reliable source tells us a completely different story about the end of days.  If you trust in the Bible, the true and written Word of God, then you are among many brethren who can trust that come December 21st, 2012, absolutely nothing will have changed.  The sun will come up on the 22nd.  People will eat their breakfast and go about their daily routines and life as we know it will continue on, just as it always has.  Yes according to the Bible, this is not how it is supposed to end.  And furthermore, “no man knows the day or the hour” (Mark 13:32, Matthew 24:36). 

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