Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Creation Fest East 2009!

June 28, 2009 by  
Filed under DWYL

Wow, what a show! At Creation Fest East 2009,  Lecrae, Tedashii, Flame, Trip Lee, and Sho Baraka showed the great state of Pensylvania why God has led them into this industry. Rappin to a packed house at Creation Fest East in Mount Union, PA, DWYL tour brought it, and brought it hard!

Check out some of the highlights from their appearance on The Fringe Stage!

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2 Responses to “Creation Fest East 2009!”


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  1. [...] “sold out” for Christ. They also made appearances at Creation Fest East and West and blessed over 30,000 people with their lyrical [...]

  2. [...] and more to sold out crowds who were “sold out” for Christ. They also made appearances at Creation Fest East and West and blessed over 30,000 people with their lyrical gifts and love for [...]

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