Thursday, March 27, 2025

Child-like Faith

October 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

One of the many things that impress me about Jesus is the way he turned ordinary situations into teaching opportunities. One day, when his disciples were questioning him about who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, a small boy wandered into the house where they were talking.

Jesus called the child over to him and told the disciples, “Listen to this truth! Unless you change and become like little children, you’ll never enter into the kingdom of heaven. Anyone who humbles himself like this boy is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

The lesson was simple. If they wanted to be great, they shouldn’t seek the place of honor, but become like children who are unimpressed with social prestige. The teaching is for us today, as well. The only way to enter the kingdom of heaven is by coming to Jesus in simple child-like faith.

Check out more at Faith Minute

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2 Responses to “Child-like Faith”
  1. The lesson was simple. If they wanted to be great, they shouldn’t seek the place of honor, but become like children who are unimpressed with social prestige.

  2. AdrianTHyten says:

    Genuinely when someone doesn’t know afterward its around other users that they may help, so here it happens.

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