Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Trip Lee

Trip Lee has amazing talent, there is no doubting that. His Christian rap lyrics sent a very clear message to all who care to listen. That message is one telling the world how great God is and if they can only realize this, their lives would change by abundance. God has already done marvelous things in so many lives through Trip Lee, it’s hard to believe he is so young.

His first CD was released fresh out of high school, yep you read that correctly. It is entitled If They Only Knew and was released June 29th, 2006. As you can probably tell by the title, Trip Lee attempts to portray a message that there is more to life than what many people think. There is a whole other world out there, the spiritual world, which is in constant battle. The album hits both mellow and hardcore tracks giving an eclectic range of thoughts.

His sophomore album entitled 20/20 challenges listeners to take a look at the scripture through the perfect 20/20 vision; the lifestyle that God states in His word. In order to become overflowing in God’s blessings He wants to give us, we need to see God as He has revealed Himself. Some Christian Rap/Hip Hop artists focus on the horizontal necessities of faith alone, but Tripp Lee shows us not to abandon the vertical understanding and worship of Jesus Christ.

You can tell this album shows a more mature Trip Lee than his debut album. Its 15 tracks of incessant hits. His love for East Coast sound and his unique southern swagger give him a distinctive blend of personality and musical tastes. Featured on this album are Lecrae, Tedashii, and Sho Baraka, Flame, JR, Diamone, Cam, and Shai Linne. Kudos to the production team, which includes Joe Prielozny (notable Amped Producer), veterans DJ Official and Tony Stone, and promising newcomer G Styles.

Trip Lee’s prayer is that through the album listeners will be introduced to Christ Jesus and His people will rejoice and reflect on His goodness.

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